DARE: Purposefully neglect an activity you would normally do so you can spend quality time with your spouse. Do something he or she would love to do or a project they'd really like to work on. Just be together!
To all my ladies out there reading this blog. Today is for us. I know some of your stories, and you know mine. It is time to lead our hearts back out and learn to delight in our spouse once again!!
The lesson today starts by saying the most important thing that I should learn from the Love Dare is to not follow my heart. I should lead it. Don't let my feelings and emotions do the driving. Tell them where you are going. I think for me, and even yesterday as I thought I was discouraged, I decide how my day is based on feelings. I think I finally figured out yesterday that I was depressed because I hadn't been able to do anything special for Cory that day. I had a big run that morning and was so worn out all day, and spent more of my selfish time on me and getting him to do stuff for me, than I him. And I think they got to me....I was feeling very loving. But today's lesson reminds me that my heart will go through this. I won't always feel constantly thrilled at the thought of spending every moment with my spouse, although right now..I do. There will be a moment where I don't, and he doesn't either. You can have that burning desire on feelings alone. I have to make the decision to delight in my spouse and to love him no matter how long we've been together, or more importantly if the newness wears off. Love that choses to love is just as powerful as the love the feels likes loving. Does that makes sense? I think choosing to love may actually be a stronger love, than the goo-goo love we all experience.
He is going to aggravate me! But my days are too short to waste being aggravated. If I am irritable, it is because I chose to be! OUCH! If I can't function without a clean house, it is because I have decided there is no other way. OUCH! And if I criticize him more than praise him, I led MYSELF into a life of criticism.
So, today's dare is merely a radical change of heart. For me, I will take a small step of show how delighted I am in him. For some of you, it may be a huge leap, but with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! The goal is to relearn what you love about this one to whom you have promised our love forever!
Needed tnis one, thank you : )