One thing that Cory and I disagree on is his job. I don't want to get into a battle of who is is right and who is wrong because it is always so much easier to point out the grain of sand in one's eye without seeing the plank in your own, as the Bible says. So what I am praying for Cory about today is mainly his satisfaction with where God has him. It is pretty evident to me, that God still has a plan for him and for us where we are. God has shut doors for Cory that Cory was practically already standing in the doorway. Things that we felt were a shoo-in, God felt differently. We pray for His guidance for His will to be done, but sometimes trusting His decision comes as a metnal road block. I know Cory has the desire to be more successful. I know it is engrained in just about every man. But it is very hard for me to understand this. Even thouogh I am career oriented as well and have goals of my own, I still struggle with understanding the outward-appearing priorities of Cory. So, here is what I want, or where God is leading me to pray for Cory today.
Dearest most gracious God, I first want to pray that you open my eyes to the pressure that Cory feels as a man, as a husband, and as a father when it comes to his career. I pray that you help me understand it all better so that I Can be a better wife and support for him. I don't want to be this nagging wife who finds all his weaknesses, but rather his support, his guidance, and his friend and be able to offer advice with a pure heart and from you. Help him to then open his ears to listen and know I am those things for him, and help him to see my heart. That I want to help him get closer to God, and help him understand trust, satisfaction, and renewed mercies daily with You.
And God I pray that you bless the work of his hands. That his work not only bring about success and prosperity but great FULFILLMENT as well. Lord, reveal to him where you want him and what your goals for him are. Reveal to him where you can use him DAILY. Guide him down the right path. And oppositely, help him see that he doesn't have to work himself to death, or grasp at for successful gain AT ALL. For if you want him to gain, it will be miraculously from You and be a gift from You to him.
GIVE HIM THE ABILITY TO ENJOY HIS CURRENT SUCCESS WITHOUT STRIVING FOR MORE. Help him to excel, but FREE HIM FROM THE PRESSURE within himself and those close around him to do so.
Dear Heavenly father..YOU are the God of everything Please be the God of our lives, and be that DAILY. We love you! Amen
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