A Bible study we are doing on Sunday nights is about the modern day Abraham. It is really amazing how you take a story you have known since you were a child and apply it to modern day times. Can you imagine the thoughts of he and Sarah at such an old age trying to conceive a child? After all they had been promised to be the father of so many nations. IN today's world, it would be fertility treatments, timing, and a whole lots of other things just to try and conceive. But as with life, it is all about God's timing. When I try to start planning my life my own, it just doesn't seem to be the best paths to take. Everything I know God has promised is His timing. Not mine. And as I pray and trust in Him daily, I have to let go. After all, I have the front row seat to see His amazing plans unfold in my life and the lives of those around me. (taken from wise words from a good friend).
So, my thought for the today....sit back, hang tight, and know He is in control!
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