As you can see, this love dare isn't going day by day for me like it should. It isn't that I am not spending time with God, or spending time working on my just seems that God has a way of timing everything. The last 20 love dares are very deep, and very tough. I had no problem with going out of my way to do something nice for Cory. But I have had deeper struggles lately that I have wrestled with God about. The great thing is, my struggle now is not about getting out of is about making it better. It is about making it more is about GOD!
Valentine's Day this year was great. Simple, but great. I didn't get roses, by request. ( I really don't care for roses) But I did get something very thoughtful. You might not think so, but I do. Poor Cory..he is learning still, but this time he did great! Without even remembering I asked for this years ago, he bought me a very nice coat and umbrella rack for the foyer. It is gorgeous. He picked it out by himself, and had it a day early. (that is probably the best part) The two things that makes a gift perfect for me is 1. thought and 2. ON TIME! He was able to do both, and buy me something I love! He even bought flowers for me and Naomi....I love him dearly and as day by day goes by...our love gets stronger and stronger.
I miss him tonight...hence how I got time to blog...he is out of town. I remember days where I counted down to nights he would be gone....days I wouldn't have to see him or even be in the same room with him...not because it was his fault, because Satan had me right where he wanted me. But now, tonight, I tear up thinking, my best friend isn't in the other room...
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