So, back to yesterdays dare...
from the moment you get out of the Word, Satan comes. We all have some type of temptation throughout our day. Satan will put things in our head that says 'your spouse is dressing up and looking good for someone else' or 'its ok to watch this movie with bad language' or 'church isn't important'. All of these things are from the devil no doubt. And some times, they are said so eloquently or so loudly, we believe them, even as Christians.
But when we began to truly understand God's word and understand what real living is, our principles change. In our marriage, when we see our spouse doing something that is getting them closer to God, instead of listening to Satan tearing them down, we should be proud. we may constantly see our spouse succeed at things, but what makes us more excited? When they help clean the house, or when they gather the family for a devotion? When they do a good job at work, or when they help neighbor who needs something. We should rejoice most when we do things that please God. We should be thrilled! And we should tell them.... "be happy for any success your spouse enjoys. But save your heartiest congratulations for those times when they are honoring God with their worship and obedience."
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