Thursday, May 26, 2011

an email I sent to my running sisters today....

So, I thought I would share with you ladies my 'ahahaha God moment' today.

This isn't meant to cast stones or judgment, but it put things in a better perspective for me this morning.

As most of you know, I was out of town last week for an audit. I was so proud of myself. I got up everyday at 5AM and spent a good 30-45 minutes with God, in prayer, devotion and worship. It felt great!!! Then, of course, I get home and set my clock for 5:15 to do the same thing...pumped! Well, Monday and Tuesday rolled by, and I didn't sleep well, so when the alarm went off at 5:15AM, I just reset if for 6:00AM and told myself, 'that will still give me time to just read through my devotion quickly'. SO, I did. By Wed, I was so out of the habit, I just set my clock for 6AM anyway. THEN TODAY HAPPENED, my alarm went off at 4:15AM, I rolled over and thought to myself, "UGH I don't want to get up and go running. I'll just text Laura and sleep in. No. I can't do that. I would let my friends down"....then ding ding ding.....GOD, "but you have been doing that to me all week!" OUCH....that hurt. I love you ladies, but I wasn't put on this earth to worship you, or running. I wasn't put here to put priorities of sleep, running, work, family, or anything else OVER MY CREATOR, OVER MY GOD! So, here is where I am. I am making this commitment to myself, to my God, and to you. My day will start with God. No rushing through it. No sleeping in. If I sleep in and eliminate my time with Him from here on out...I will not run that week. I can't make running my priority over my Savior!


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