Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 35: Love is accountable

DARE: Find a marriage mentor-someone who is a strong Christian and who will be honest and loving with you. If you feel that counseling is needed, then take the first step to set up an appointment. During this process, ask God to direct your decisions and discernment.

As you can see, if you are still following me, I'm not blogging daily anymore. I don't know, maybe it is because I'm slacking, but it isn't because I'm not doing it. Lately Ive been spending more time in God;s word, because I feel that is where He has wanted me. I've come to the realization that all those times I cried out to Him for help, all those times I keep asking His advice, I didn't want it. I wanted it to appear that way. Because now, the closer I get to God, the more I hear Him. It isn't the more He speaks to me, its that I'm quiet. that I'm expecting to hear from Him....and I love being in that direct communication with Him.

The book uses the illustration of the sequoia tree. (reminds me of our poor trees at Toomer's Corner that just got poinsoned-argh) Sequoia trees our hundreds of feet tall that can sustain intense envirnoments. It is giant, but the trick is that it goes deep below the surface. They reach around with their roots and interlock around them reinfrocing their strength with others. Much is like the way a marriage should be. We need interlocking marriages who can network together and be strong for each other. This network can give us wise counsel. They can help you and advise you BEFORE you make a bad decision. And as I have found through my little tight group of such wonderful friends, they help cheer me on. When they read my dares, or know my plans, they hold me accountable. They are excited as I am when they know we have cross a bridge...and I love them for that! They cry when they know what Cory and I have over-come. They are amazing! I can't even express in words to you or even to God, how thankful I am for them!

The Bible says to encourage one another day after that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. Heb 3:13 Crazy how this verse now has meaning to me. I know from experience, that sin hardens your heart. It controls you. But God put people in my life so that I would quit isolate myself, and quit pushing those I love away. I now now, I have to guard my heart against any wrong influences. I can have people in my life who push me toward. Hence why I have that wonderful group of friends I've never had before. One thing for sure.....never take marriage advice from someone who doesn't have a good marriage. How foolish is that?

I don't know about this mentor thing. I had a vision of a mentor in my life. I wanted someone who is older, yet loving, someone who can handle my craziness with patience...but I don't know. I am leaving that up to God, and see how He wants to handle this. I have some pretty good mentors now, who talk me through a lot. I don't think I could find ladies who hold me accountable. Thank-you girls!

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