Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 37: Love agrees in prayer

DARE: (summarized) Talk to your spouse about finding a time to pray together. Commit your concerns, disagreements and needs before the Lord and thank Him for His provision and blessing.

If you were told that there is one thing that could almost with 100% surety change your marriage if you implement it, what would it be? The book says praying together. That's a pretty bold statement. Although, believable...The unity that exists between a man and a woman who pray together is intense and powerful. When the two are joined, God gives you a prayer partner for life. Sad to say, we haven't taken advantage of it. I mean, we both pray, but the only time we pray together is at meals, and after our devotion with Naomi. I did step out on a limb and prayer with him over the phone the other night, and he prayer out loud about a crisis in our life, so I guess that's a step. it seems the closer we get to God the more we desire to talk to Him, to be with Him...just weird for me to do it together.

But here is the key, when you need wisdom for a decision, you can seek God. When you are struggling with fears and insecurities, your partner can intercede. When you are fussing (like last night for us), go to emergency prayer, which Cory did (per Naomi), but we didn't do it together. It should become an automatic response. Kind of hard to stay angry when your on your knees in reverence to God. And when the two of us come together and call on His name in harmony, God hears us.

Prayer can used as a privilege..daily. This will probably feel a little awkward and uncomfortable, the book says, and I agree, but anything as powerful as prayer will surprise us. God wants to engage with us. He invites us. He longs for the connection.

This will be a little awkward for me...but I will try, because I know it succeeds. It has worked for just me, and just him, I'm sure it can work greater for the both of us! Matthew 18:19 "If two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by my Father."

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I want Shane and I to pray together more often. We need that....
