Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 12: Love lets the other win

DARE: Demonstrate love by willingly choosing to give in to an area of disagreement between you and your spouse. Tell them you are putting their preference first!

Does it seem to you that these dares are just hitting harder and harder? Not so much the dare, but the content of the dare. Although I found this afternoon, that I look forward to these challenges. And the fact that I haven't done them early in the morning the last two days, has severely discouraged me. Not discouraged my love for Cory and our family, just discouraged me. (although it could also be from that 20 mile run my girlfriends drug me on!)I told Cory when we go in the truck to go get our pics made, that I felt discouraged today. The great thing was, he was immediately concerned, and that felt great! Cory has been doing so good. He was waiting for me outside with Naomi after my run today. He has asked me all day how I was feeling. He has taken ownership in helping my get rest because he knows I have a very difficult run tomorrow again. He has been very patient and understanding with me, and I LOVE IT! But back to being discouraged. I am making a vow that I won't let it go all day before I do my dare. That kind of defeats the purpose, and I think tried to let satan sneak in and ruin my Saturday to spend with my family. From now on, when my feet hit the floor....the blogging begins!

Philippians 2:4 Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Sounds like this goes back to being selfish again...and of course, it does!

The book ask for you to name three areas where you and your spouse disagree. It stated that most could likely do it without thinking, and some could even produce ten quickly, but for once...I don't fall into this category. I had forgotten how Cory and i agree on almost everything. I forgot how easy going he was. Of course, I don't want to ever control Cory's thoughts, and I am pretty sure I never will. We are both very stubborn, but I am very strong-willed. Having said that, stubbornness pretty comes standards for spouse these days. We all think we have some sort right to always be right and always have our way...but in a marriage, WE DON'T! It is detrimental to always disagree and often steals away precious time and productivity.

The only time the book says that stubbornness is warranted..yes, there is a time for me (hehe) in our priorities, morals and our obedience to God. The kind of stuff should be guarded and never challenged by our spouse. However, how to fold the towels, put dished in the cabinet, hang a picture, etc is not something we should regularly debate! There are tough times that are very tense in a marriage. Like when one goes to counseling and the other doesn't. Or one wants a extended family vacation and the others does. Though they don't pop up all the time, they never go away. There is only one way to get beyond them.

The opposite word of stubborn is "willing". It is an attitude and a spirit of cooperation. The best example of this type of love is Jesus. He had the right to refuse us. To live peace. But even with the torture on the cross, he cooperated and was willing to do His father's will, and not His own.

All it takes in our marriage is one to say, "I'm willing to go your way on this one." And its over! You make think it hurts your pride, but how foolish do we look when we fight?!We aren't going to see eye to eye on everything. We aren't designed way. It would be boring if we were. Let us be willing to bend and demonstrate love to our spouses. Give up our rights to chose the one we love! And I love CORY MICHAEL HANKS

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